No, that's not a baby girl's headband. That would be my wedding garter. And no, you will not be getting a picture of it being modeled. I love the tradition of the garter toss. My parents think it's "tacky". My future brother-in-law is dead set against it. But I like it. And my fiance likes it. So it's all good.
I decided to make my own because, first of all, I can, and secondly, all the ones you can buy are so boring, all shiny and lacy and light blue. Gag. Tartan and eyelet is soooo much cooler. I was actually thinking of making more crazy/interesting/not cheesy garters and selling them on Etsy. Ya know, some black lace, some paisley, some corduroy. Okay, maybe not corduroy. What do you think?
that's funny. :-)
So, I'm curious and trying to understand.. What is it about the garter toss that you like?
oh, you're right, tartan and eyelet is cooler (even though I barely caught on to what they are ;-] ). As for making more and selling them on your online store, I really have no idea. I don't know that much about garters.
I think I like the tradition because it's kind of saying "Here's something that's not allowed... until now! Mwahahahaha!!!" And it's just ever so slightly risque, and I never get to be risque. I just think it's fun.
Hmm. *imitates Capt. Jack Sparrow* That's interesting. That's very interesting.
Well, I giggled at your response, but I think I still don't fully understand, and that's okay. I'm looking forward to the wedding all the same.
We should hang out sometime if you want.
Corduroy! Go for it.
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