There was a room in the church (the lobby, perhaps?) that contained an eagle and a cowboy, each carved out of a log, a stuffed buffalo head mounted on the wall, a bench, and several fake ficuses. Here's us with the cowboy (who kind of looks like McGruff the Crime Dog):
And us with the buffalo head:
Moving on, we discovered the church bulletin board. Here are the all-important American Family Association Voter Guides. Note the proliferation of "NO"s on the Democrats' sheet, and the large concentration of "NO"s in Mitt Romney's column.
Also, apparently Satan is having a revival in Branson:
The bulletin board also had this important announcement:
which wouldn't have been all that amusing had this not been the spread at the wedding reception:
Left-overs, anyone?
And here are my brothers looking like well-dressed dorks:
Like I said, I made sure to cover all the important things. If I happened to leave out anything vital, ask about it in the comments.
heehee, I want to paint some sort of mural around the buffalo head so that it truly looks like the buffalo is coming out of the wall and is going to have a nice chat with everyone in the room.
wow! I love the cowboy! haha.
Nice buffalo.
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