The major improvements lately are
1.) The middle of the floor is almost completely clear, which means everything but the fabric is almost completely put away (which isn't saying too much, considering the massive amounts of fabric currently living in the garage.)
2.) Pretty ribbon holders!

I took 12" dowel rods that I found with the cake decorating supplies at Walmart, cut slits into the ends with a jigsaw (actually, the husband did that part), and basically made a triangle around the dowel out of string. The string slips into the slits on the ends of the dowels, and then ties in a knot at the top.

And here is the famous Britney Spears shelf (because it's tall, thin, and shallow). Har dee har har. Come to think of it, we should really update our pop culture references... Any suggestions?
Yeah, Britney Spears is sooo 2001. Who's tall, thin, and shallow now? Paris Hilton?
I got behind on posts. Time to catch up!
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