Here's the view from the living room. Spacious, no?

The pantry. I have a pantry! I've gotta be honest -- it was a major selling point (renting point?) for me. It's certainly not put to its full use at the moment though.

I love magnetic poetry. Some children-friends of ours put the words on the fridge for me. A little haphazard, but if I had had to do it myself, they'd all still be in a ziplock bag.

Little cookbook shelf. The two most important books in my life right now are on the top: The Baby Book and Nourishing Traditions. ("Hippie!")

A very moody photo of the window above the sink. Herbs!

And here is my collection of fake plants above the window above the sink. I cannot get enough of these crazy, 3D embroidery houseplant portraits. Seriously. If you ever see one, buy it for me and I'll reimburse you.

My collection of jars. It's getting a tad out of hand. And this isn't including the 10 or so jars full of kombucha in the fridge, or the 8 or so jars I just took out to put my button collection in.

The view out the window. Laundry, FTW!
Your kitchen is hot. I want one. I could also use some komboucha...
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