Mmm... Can you smell that? It's Christmas. I'd been talking about decorating for Christmas all week, even after Thanksgiving and all those people and dishes. Still excited.
I woke up Friday morning to the sight of our faux Christmas tree all set up in the dining room! Gasp! I was totally planning on setting it up myself that day, but Husband had done it for me in the middle of the night. So sneaky!
Here, in no particular order, are this year's Christmas decorations. The post about the tree will come later (Friday).
Stockings! (Norman's, Lucy's, and mine)
The Three Kings. They are on top of the tall bookshelf with their camel. From their perch, they can see all this:
...including the rest of the Nativity scene on the stereo.
This is my grandmother's old set. I had a ceramic one I bought from Hobby Lobby on sale after Christmas several years ago, but... meh. This one is much better. Paper-mâché, I think.
It's not missing its Baby Jesus. I left him in the box. Doesn't seem right to have him there, for some reason.
Mistletoe under the doorway between the living and dining rooms. [Mwaah!]
I bought this table runner with every intention of cutting it up for crafts, but it's just too cute. Colorful, flowery snowflakes!
Advent wreath. I'm excited to really celebrate Advent this year, in addition to secular Christmas. I think there's room for both.
[If you're looking for an Advent devotional, here's the one we'll use this year. (PDF) It has a theme for every week, and the sheet music for a song to go with each devotional. They also have other resources here.]
[Also, I'm so annoyed that I couldn't find the four tapers together in a package anywhere. I tried WalMart and Hobby Lobby, but no. Hobby Lobby? Really? Come now.]
A musical, rotating, wooden Christmas tree from my grandmother. It plays "O Christmas Tree".
Awww! Woodland creatures! Love it.
What are your personal favorite Christmas decorations that you look forward to pulling out every year?
What? No close-up photos of the tree skirt?
BTW, it's great you have a hubby who will set up your tree without your asking.
You know, the Italian nativity scenes include soccer stars (in the manger, naturally enough), and as of last year the Obamas. Berlusconi does not typically make an appearance.
Just so you know there's always room to expand...
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