27 May 2012

Jessie Lyman's Journals, Part 18

I previously introduced you to my great-great grandmother, Jessie Lyman Eckert.  You can read the first post here, and subsequent post are filed under

Jessie Lyman was born January 2, 1878.  She graduated from Westport High School (Westport, MO, now part of Kansas City) in 1897 at the head of her class.  From what I have read of her diaries so far, it appears she went on to teach school for a couple years one year in Columbia, MO.  She married Herman Eckert in June of 1899.  On July 26, 1900, she died giving birth to twins Conrad and Cornelia at the age of 22.  Conrad is my mother's mother's father. 



Sat, Feb. 12.

I finished Forest's mending this morning, and then went to town. I saw Forest and gave him some money. I saw Mr. Marshal too.
When I got home I found Mrs. Scott and Imogene here. They spent the afternoon.
Pattie and Leslie spent the evening with us. Leslie and I beat the whole crowd at croconole.

Sun, Feb. 13.

I wanted to go to church today, but neither of the boys wanted to take me, and Aunt Florence has a lame wrist. I couldn't go by myself very well.
Clarence is going to improve? the day by going to see his girl.
No one spent the evening here this evening. I rather expected Mr. Emmett.

Mon, Feb. 14,

I was mistaken -- Clarence didn't go to see his girl after all.
I rode from Uncle Wallie's on Forest's horse behind Clarence this evening. After much maneuvering I succeeded in mounting. She then went along very nicely except that she scared once.  I did not fall off, not come near it however.

Tues, Feb. 15.

I am to spend the night at Ida Ravenscraft's.
Aunt Mary is coming tomorrow.

Wed, Feb. 16.

I had a very pleasant time last night. We sang a good deal.
Aunt Mary came this evening. She looks very natural. We had a pleasant evening looking at her curios.
I received a letter from Herman -- also a note from Forest.

Thurs, Feb. 17.

This had been a drizzly day. Francis came for me this evening.
I haven't heard from my school yet. I am beginning to get anxious.


"Pattie and Leslie" -- what are the odds they are both boys?  According to http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/ (a fabulous website), in 1880 (the furthest back the records go, and around the time these two would have been born if they are Jessie's age), Leslie was the 167th most popular baby boy name, and the 655th most popular baby girl name.  I'm thinking a search for "Pattie" would be largely useless, as it's probably a nickname.

And hey, is there a glimmer of hope? Is Mr. Emmett starting to wise up?  :-)

Also, I wish I knew what she meant by Aunt Mary "looks very natural."  Any ideas?  Is she sick?  Just old? 

22 May 2012

"Last Minute Estate Sale"

"Last Minute Estate Sale" -- that's what the Craigslist ad said.  As it was less than a block from my house, of course I was out the door almost immediately.

This was a digging kind of sale.  It seemed the house had been vacant but full of stuff for some time.  Everything was in boxes.  It also seemed as if relatives of the deceased were there with the sole purpose of getting rid of everything before putting the house on the market soon.  The guy was very chatty and exuberant about his pieces.  All that to say... I loved this sale!

$14 later, all of the following plus some was all mine:

[Contact paper! And I discovered today that my circle paper punch will cut through this stuff.  Hello, envelope seals!]

[Vintage Pyrex divided casserole.  I guess I didn't take photos of the covered rectangular snowflake motif one I got at a thrift store the other week, eh?  My dreams of becoming a vintage Pyrex collector are coming true!]

[Vase. I dunno... I just like it! Teal is my color.]

[This thing!  It's actually two nightstands, and the top one is missing its legs.  I saw it and I thought it was cute, but I wasn't sure where I would put it.  The guy was like, "It's only five dollars!" and I was like, "Ehhhh... I don't have room for it."  Then he totaled up my other stuff to $7, which seemed perfectly reasonable to me (hello, the Pyrex!), and then said, "Ten dollars if you take the drawers too!"  I'm a sucker.]

 [Musty as heck!  That's crumpled newsprint sprayed with vinegar.  Oughta take care of the smell in a couple days.]

In case you're wondering about the discrepant math, I paid $10 for the drawer and some of the other stuff.  Then when I went back with the car to pick up the drawers, I found some other stuff.  See?  Sucker.

20 May 2012

Jessie Lyman's Journals, Part 17

I previously introduced you to my great-great grandmother, Jessie Lyman Eckert.  You can read the first post here, and subsequent post are filed under

Jessie Lyman was born January 2, 1878.  She graduated from Westport High School (Westport, MO, now part of Kansas City) in 1897 at the head of her class.  From what I have read of her diaries so far, it appears she went on to teach school for a couple years one year in Columbia, MO.  She married Herman Eckert in June of 1899.  On July 26, 1900, she died giving birth to twins Conrad and Cornelia at the age of 22.  Conrad is my mother's mother's father. 



Sat, Feb. 5.

I spent the morning in patching. This afternoon I went to town and succeeded in seeing Joe Wright (although he was a little the worse for beer) and got my order cashed.
I looked for Forest but did not find him.
The chimney got on fire about noon and we had quite an excitement.
I wrote to Herman today and forgot to mail my letter.
We (Jehu, Francis, Walter and I) went skating this evening. I rode behind Walter on Old Mollie. We had a fine ride in the moonlight. Old Mollie is just fine. The ice wasn't safe, so we went back to Uncle Wallie's and played croconole till almost 12. We then took a turn on his pond but decided that we had better not trust it too far.
I rode home behind Francis on Nita. She goes all right. I don't know whether she ever carried double with a girl on before. I can go behind Francis any time now.

Sun, Feb. 6.

I went to church this morning and saw Forest and Mr. Goodman. Poor Forest has a carbunkle [sic] on the back of his neck.
I have applied for a spring school in Monroe Co. I hope to get it. Mr. Hewitt has been very kind in helping me.
I slept almost all afternoon. If I had been down, I might have had a chance to go to church this evening. Such is life!
I wrote four letters today -- one to Mamma.

Mon, Feb. 7.

This day resembled all others in its regular routine of school work.
I got to ride over home with Uncle Wallie in the buggy.
I had thirty pupils today.

Tues, Feb. 8.

The Ravenscrafts wanted me to stay all night with them but I couldn't very well tonight.
I spent the evening in darning. My eyes gave out however, so I couldn't finish.

Wed, Feb. 9.

I am to stay all night with Minnie Jacobs tonight. It is raining quite hard at intervals. I am afraid it will be a disagreeable night.

Thurs, Feb. 10.

Jasper Jacobs came for us yesterday evening on horse back. Almost all the children rode home. There were seven horses with two children on almost all and four on one.
I had a very pleasant time last night. 
I got a letter from Herman today. I am going to spend the night at Uncle Wallie's. It is rather muddy, and I have nothing to call me home.

Fri, Feb. 11.

I spent last evening in reading.
The day went off very pleasantly until the very last. I had to keep eight or ten boys after school.
I wrote to Herman this evening -- also to Nettie Munsell.

"A little the worse for beer"! Ha!

I find something really beautiful in their horses being immortalized like this.  I don't know why.

Carbuncle: ew.  (Warning: link contains photo of someone's butt carbuncle.)

13 May 2012

Jessie Lyman's Journals, Part 16

I previously introduced you to my great-great grandmother, Jessie Lyman Eckert.  You can read the first post here, and subsequent post are filed under

Jessie Lyman was born January 2, 1878.  She graduated from Westport High School (Westport, MO, now part of Kansas City) in 1897 at the head of her class.  From what I have read of her diaries so far, it appears she went on to teach school for a couple years one year in Columbia, MO.  She married Herman Eckert in June of 1899.  On July 26, 1900, she died giving birth to twins Conrad and Cornelia at the age of 22.  Conrad is my mother's mother's father. 



Sun. Jan. 30.

I have been reading and writing all day. None of us went to church today. The roads are bad and the weather rather bleak for such a long drive.
Forest and Francis spent the morning at Uncle Wallie's.
I am not expecting Mr. Emmett this evening.
I have just written to Mr. Hewitt to inquire about getting a summer school in the northern part of the state. I hope I shall succeed in getting the position.

Mon, Jan. 31.

I am to spend tonight with Laura Hutchinson. I hope to have a pleasant time.

Tues, Feb. 1.

I did have a good time last night. We visited and sang. Ozella plays and sings very well for a beginner.
Francis, Imogene, Mr. Emmett and I went skating this evening on Grant Pond. The ice was very smooth, but not very safe. We had a very pleasant time however. I had an invitation to a party at Mr. Phillips' but did not accept.

Wed, Feb. 2.

A tramp stepped in on me this evening. For a wonder, when the much dreaded circumstance occurred, I was not frightened. I looked at him coolly, and he never dreamed that I had hardly known what to do when I stepped out on the poarch and saw his shadow. I gave him permission to stay in the school house as it was a bitterly cold day.
Francis and I spent this evening at Mr. Hultz's. We had a very pleasant time. It was almost twelve when we left.

Thurs, Feb 3d.

Jehu, Francis, Emmett, Mr. McNickle and I spent the evening at Mr. Eugene's. Those boys teased me all evening. I never saw anyone furnish as much amusement for the crowd as I seem to.
Mr. Emmett was the only one who took my part.

Fri, Feb. 4.

This is the first evening I have spent at home this week. It seems good to rest once more.
I got a letter from Herman yesterday.  I am so anxious to see him. Only three more weeks!


Ozella!  Another name I'd never heard before reading these journals.

When I started reading I wasn't sure if the "tramp" was a dog or a guy! Quite startling, I would think!

"Jessie and Emmett, sittin' in a tree...."  Seriously, those two.

12 May 2012

Evidence of a Good Sale Day

Duplos soaking in the sink...

[The guy called it "a bag of random junk" and sold it to me for a dollar.]

A child's Ikea table and chairs sitting outside, waiting to have the cobwebs wiped off...

[Twenty bucks!  Pretty much exactly what I had been looking for.]

...evidence of a good garage sale-ing day!

Lucy and Elmo are already settled in.

Also some black leather scraps (for the nose of the giant Totoro bean bag chair I'm going to make [photos forthcoming, of course]), Dumbo, Finding Nemo, big stack of newsprint paper, big bag of foam stickers, and assorted other less exciting things.

06 May 2012

Jessie Lyman's Journals, Part 15

I previously introduced you to my great-great grandmother, Jessie Lyman Eckert.  You can read the first post here, and subsequent post are filed under

Jessie Lyman was born January 2, 1878.  She graduated from Westport High School (Westport, MO, now part of Kansas City) in 1897 at the head of her class.  From what I have read of her diaries so far, it appears she went on to teach school for a couple years in Columbia, MO.  She married Herman Eckert in June of 1899.  On July 26, 1900, she died giving birth to twins Conrad and Cornelia at the age of 22.  Conrad is my mother's mother's father. 



Jan. 22. Sat.

It has snowed almost all day.  I don't know how I am to get my letter to Herman mailed.
I have started to read "Quo Vadis". I like it very well.
I did all my mending today.

Sun, Jan. 23.

It was broad daylight when we got up this morning. After eating breakfast there was not time to get to church as we would have had to go slow through the snow.
I spent the day in reading.
In the afternoon, who should come in but Forest bringing me a letter from Ella -- the first to me from home for three weeks.  Forest had spent Sat. night at Uncle Wallie's. He had a very bad headache.

Mon, Jan. 24.

Forest took me to school this morning in the road wagon. When I got there I found the stovepipe down and the children huddled around the stove waiting for the "teacher". I was very thankful that Forest was with me. He fixed it up amid the wondering stares of the pupils.
One of the little girls informed me after he was gone, that my brother was better looking (prettier as she expressed it) than I was.
I got to ride almost all the way home with Clarence.
I have almost learned a new piece on the guitar.

Tues, Jan. 25.

Francis took me to school this morning. Uncle Wallie got him to help him drive hogs to town, so I got to ride home this evening too. The roads are terrible.

Wed, Jan. 26.

I am to stay at Uncle Wallie's and play croconole [sic] again tonight. Jehu will be there of course. I will have a good time.

Thurs, Jan. 27.

Yes, I did have a good time. It was nearer than 12 when we went to bed and very late when we got up this morning. I have to make haste sure enough to get to school in time. I kept Logan on the run.

Fri, Jan. 28.

I have been greatly blessed so far this week having received a letter for every day.
Today I got one from Herman.
This week ends my five months in school. I have taken a very severe cold but hope I shall soon feel better. I rode home behind Uncle Wallie on Old Moll this evening. She goes to smoothly!

Sat, Jan. 29.

I took my report to Mr. Hultz today but he was not at home, so I couldn't get my money order. I didn't need it immediately, but it would have been more convenient if I could have got it while on an errand to town.
I brought Forest out with me. We played croconole this evening.


01 May 2012

Lucy's 3rd Birthday [Recap]

Lucy's birthday was last Thursday, and her party was last Saturday.  First, the actual birthday:

Nothing too fancy.  Put the Happy Birthday banner up after she went to sleep the night before.  Norman had to be gone during dinner, so he came home in the afternoon and took her to the park.  We had chicken stir fry for dinner.  (Not her request, exactly, but I've deduced that it's her favorite dinner. She likes to eat it with ketchup.)

And she got presents! 

[The Muppets]


And... her own camera!

It's a little noisy for my taste, but I highly recommend it.  It takes photos and videos, and the lens swivels around so you can take a photo of yourself while still looking at the screen.  And it has a menu of silly hats and hair that you can superimpose over your photos.  It's really easy to use (Lucy already has it all figured out), and it takes pretty decent photos for being so cheap.  (It goes for $50-$60 on Amazon, but I got mine from eBay for less.)

Here's a collage of some of the photos she took in the first two days:

 [She seemed to delight in putting cat ears on her legs...]

OK, so that was Thursday.  Then came the party!  I had already thrown two of these things, and they both looked pretty much the same.  But this was new and weird.  We don't know very many people here, and we don't know them very well.  Our house is too small to host, and we couldn't plan on having it outside since it rains so much here.  But our church said we could use their gym!

So it was pretty much like last year's party, but in a gym, with different people.  We invited everyone at church and everyone at playgroup.  In the end about 30 people showed up, I think.

The food:


Cupcakes from scratch. Lucy did all the sprinkle work.  I accidentally bought jumbo cupcake liners, so I had to whip up another batch of batter after having already doubled the first recipe.  So there were chocolate and spice cupcakes, so we only put sprinkles on the chocolate ones. 

The frosting recipe: 2 sticks of butter, 2 blocks of cream cheese, enough honey to make it sweet. Beat with mixer. Then om nom your face off.  (Leftovers delicious on cinnamon raisin bagels, strawberries, and spoons.)

Fruit kebabs (grapes, watermelon, and pineapple on skewers).  Cripsy nuts.

Drinks: Herbal iced tea (a bunch of different fruit-flavored Celestial Seasonings teas with honey), and Magical Coffee. Ohhhhh my. Get yerself some magical coffee, STAT. (Thanks, Keely!)

At 10 p.m. the night before, it occurred to me to put together a slide show of photos of Lucy, since people here don't know what she looked like when she was younger.  Didn't actually take that long. Thanks, Picasa!


Coloring table. Two dollar store coloring books and crayons I already had.

Painter's tape hopscotch!  I found this brilliant idea on some website or another.  Cheap and easy!

I made 3 bean bags to go with it.  (Real bean bags, filled with beans... because that's what I had.)  It had been bothering me for a week that I just wasn't sure if I had saved this fabric from the Great Purge before we moved last summer.  I've had it since high school.  Now that I have a toddler it finally comes in handy!

And other than that, we just filled the other half of the gym (that wasn't filled with tables and chairs) with balloons (plain ones and the punchy kind with the rubber bands) and pool noodles cut in half.  We figured the kids could make their own fun, and we were right!

[Norman kept back a bucket of balloons to dump on Lucy just to see the look on her face. :-)]

Punch balloon contests, sword and ninja fights, golf, baseball, etc, etc.

It was fun!  Nice and casual, and people could come and go.  We gave bubble wands as favors. (HT to Meghan for that one.)  In all, I think the party cost about $50 or $60 including food.  Not too shabby.  Looking forward to (but definitely not yet planning for) next year!