So, despite being, as my mother says, sick as a dog, I still had a great birthday!
A friend (and another friend) came over with a 7-layer bean dip instead of a cake! Yay! (I had told her that I wouldn't eat a cake -- too much sugar for Bun.) She brought candles, too, including awesome centerpiece Batman.
Unfortunately, the non-Batman candles were trick.
I also received these completely impractical and totally gorgeous shoes from my rather indulgent husband.

Yeah. They're very tall. AND AWESOME!
Another friend sent me this t-shirt, which I've been desiring for forever.
Oh no you di-n't!!!
(It says "Don't hate the 918". As in, the Tulsa, OK area code. And it rhymes, so... win!)
Another friend brought me Izze soda (my new favorite beverage)! There were a lot of friends...
Also, and earlier, from various in-laws: money (always appreciated), a pregnancy book, a photo album (I'd actually been thinking about buying one, but hadn't told him), candles, a movie (which, by the way, I went into vaguely think was a different movie, so that was exciting).
Good times! Thanks, everyone!