17 September 2008

Birthday #24

Hello! I know it's been awhile, and it's certainly been awhile since my birthday, but the morning sickness is subsiding, so I've been running around getting things done. Part of that includes finally downloading photos from my camera to my PC, thus enabling the blogging.

So, despite being, as my mother says, sick as a dog, I still had a great birthday!

A friend (and another friend) came over with a 7-layer bean dip instead of a cake! Yay! (I had told her that I wouldn't eat a cake -- too much sugar for Bun.) She brought candles, too, including awesome centerpiece Batman.

Unfortunately, the non-Batman candles were trick.

I also received these completely impractical and totally gorgeous shoes from my rather indulgent husband.

Yeah. They're very tall. AND AWESOME!

Another friend sent me this t-shirt, which I've been desiring for forever.

Oh no you di-n't!!!

(It says "Don't hate the 918". As in, the Tulsa, OK area code. And it rhymes, so... win!)

Another friend brought me Izze soda (my new favorite beverage)! There were a lot of friends...

Also, and earlier, from various in-laws: money (always appreciated), a pregnancy book, a photo album (I'd actually been thinking about buying one, but hadn't told him), candles, a movie (which, by the way, I went into vaguely think was a different movie, so that was exciting).

Good times! Thanks, everyone!


GrandmaToots said...

love the shoes! do they make your ears pop?

Izze soda...no caffeine...no sugar...what's the point?

Becky Myers said...

The smoke wasn't that bad...COUGH...